Water, Energy and Industry

Sweco’s experts have what it takes to secure an effective energy supply, to safeguard the environment, and develop industry in a sustainable way.


Sweco’s experts secure an effective energy supply, protection of the environment and sustainable development of industry.

The transition to a more climate-friendly and sustainable society requires increased production of renewable energy, a reliable power system, safeguarding of the environment, restoration of biological diversity and a sustainable restructuring of industry.

Sweco’s advisors, experts and subject specialists can assist with everything from technical solutions to strategic advice – always with the customer’s needs in focus. At Sweco we collaborate across subject areas, local offices and country borders. That is why we are able to ensure that we always have the right expertise to offer.


Renewable energy

Hydropower energy

Power grid

Strategy consulting



Food and medicine

Minerals and resources

Sigurd Løvfall

Division Director Energy