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Buildings and Urban Areas

Project management and construction client consulting

Regardless of the complexity of your project, Sweco has the knowledge to help you reach your goals. Our project managers and advisors contribute in every phase from concept to completion, and have the expertise needed to ensure comprehensive, long-term and sustainable solutions for both public and private customers. Our experts identify and manage risk during the project, making sure that our clients are protected from losses and delays.

Our expertise covers:

  • Project management
  • Project support
  • Project design management
  • Change and improvement management
  • Building applications
  • Technical Due Diligence

Our professional environments are located all over the country. Not sure who to contact? Contact one of our busines unit managers.

Contact our experts today

Get in touch using our quick form, and we’ll direct your comment or query to the right specialist.
  • Tell us where you are from, and we will connect you to the right office.